NetBeansのError Report


Upload of NetBeans Error report finished

Thank you very much for sending error information to our server.
We have checked the system for your report and it seems to be a very similar report to report number 24334 . Your comment and logging information were added to this one.

This issue was already fixed.
Please update your current build of NetBeans to the target milestone 6.1M2 where the issue #127277 is fixed.

If you find this issue severe and you have your NetBeans login, you can use the previous link to check all the generated information in our web application and you can enter this issue directly to issuezilla. You can see all reported issues at exceptions web site.

Thank you again for your help.

Your NetBeans development team!

ということなので、6.1のnightly buildバージョンをダウンロードして試してみたら、、、確かに直っていました。